A look back at the festival's 30 years: a memorable anniversary edition

The FINN invites you to celebrate its 31th edition !
Ten days entirely dedicated to images and nature during which the FINN offers you an inspiring film program, breathtaking photo exhibitions and intense human encounters.
The festival news:
For this 31st edition of the festival, there are some important changes to note.
The festival participation applications open earlier in the year but also close earlier.
This 31st edition of the festival features 8 competitions, but the Ultra-Short Film Competition is being discontinued! It will be replaced by an original and innovative concept, which will be announced soon.
A few key dates:
The festival kicks off on Saturday, October 11, 2025, with the special evening celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Jardin Extraordinaire.
Opening of the Nature Village from Wednesday, October 15 to Sunday, October 19, 2025.
Professional Film and Photography Gala on October 17, 2025.
Amateur Film Gala on October 18, 2025.
+32 (81) 43.24.20
Rue du réemploi, 4 • 5020 Rhisnes, Namur • Belgique
TVA BE 0455.449.246
IBAN BE65 1932 0698 6196
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